donderdag 26 januari 2012

Update + Giveaway!

Hi there,

it has been a while since I have posted something on here...
First of all, here are some updates on myself.

I have recently started working in a shoe store very close to my home, and I absolutely love it.
For the first time EVER I have a job that I wanted, I mostly end up accepting jobs I don't want (like when I worked at the butchery) because I do not get offered work is clothing and shoe stores, but now I finally do have a job I really like.
there is a down side, it will only last 'till 29 February... my boss is quiting that day , so I have to go as well...

I'll be making lots of new jewelry in a few weeks, because it has been a while and I'll need lots of new stuff for "Made In Asia", btw chek me (EmikDesigns) out on the list:
I just feel really cool having my name and logo on there!

I have done another photoshoot, it was a gothic lolita photoshoot to help someone out with an important photography assignment for school. It was a very dark and rainy day, but with adobe lightroom I turned the pictures into somethihng pretty.
I will add pics to the bottom of this blog entry. =)

Last but not least, I'm having a giveaway on my facebook page "EmikoDesigns" and on my Tumblr for "EmikoDesigns".
What you need to do: be the 300th liker on my facebook page
share my pic on afcebook, or reblog it on Tumblr.
I will then put all the names of the peoploe who shared/reblogged in a randomizer, and let the randomizer descide who gets to choose a jewel of choice.

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Thanks for looking,
here's the photos:

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