dinsdag 20 december 2011

Business cards are in

Yesterday I recieved my 250 business cards, I was so happy!
But they were almost destroyed, thatnks to the mailman... Our doorstep was dry and instead of leaving it there, he put the litlle box on the wet floor, luckily they had only bene out there for 20 minutes or so, otherwise they would have been soaked.
Here's whet they look like, front and back:
I ordered them from Vistaprint.be, as you can see they are very nicely printed and there are no mistakes of any sort in the design, I love them.
I do have to say that Vistaprint.be does make misleading advertisement... They first say that your 250 cards are for free (didn't fall for that though...), then they suddenly cost 4.99€...
But at the chekout my final price was 42.41€, and then if you looki at the list you'll get something like this:
- 250 cards 4.99€
- Color printed back 30.00€
- Shipping 10.00€
...and so on.

So don't get misguided by them =)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I ordered mine there aswell, and you really have to look carefull for the shipping costs etc. They act like they are almost for free, but it isn't true in the end. But they are still quite reasonable prised and good quality.

  2. I think it is odd, that if you get the slow shipping (I think it was 3.00€) that it takes 21 days to arrive..
    when I ship jewelry with Bpost I pay 2.34 prior shipping with envelope included...
    So that's something I don't understand about their website...
