woensdag 30 november 2011

chitchat *update*

Hey everyone,

Last week I spent a lot of time with my boyfriend and finnishing the new collection, wich I wanted to have online completely by now...
But I ran out of pearls and the store where I got them from didn't have any in stock themselves last week, but luckily they had everything back in stock yesterday.
I am finnishing everything by tonight and might upload too, depends on how much time I'll have and how fast the final pieces are done.

I haven't had any time to go on the internet last week, so I didn't have a chance to find lovely things for my lovely things monday. Speaking of which, I will change lovely things monday into lovely things wednesday starting from next week.
It seems that mondays are bussy days for me, I never really get a chance to blog on most mondays.

I had to cancel 2 photoshoots this week because of circumstances, but I still have a photoshoot next weekend. The theme will be fairytale, we are not going to shoot existing fairytales but just scary fairytale-ish images.
I'll be wearing a FanPlusFriend lolita dress and doll makeup.
This is the makeup we will use:
I will try it out tommorow and yes, I will upload the results!
I hope it won't turn out to be a disaster!

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