Last week was a pretty good week, but with a downside.
I've spent my last week without a job being lazy, doing whatever I want and a visit to Efteling.
For the 1st of november my boyfriend and I went to his family where we had to watch dia's for hours, and I can tell you this: looking at your own vacation pictures is fun, but looking at otherpeople's vacation pictures just sucks...
Apart from watching vacation dia's we also watched dia's from my bf's parents their chilhood.
What I've learned from this:
My boyfriends's dad lookd like my boyfriend with a weird "beatlles" wig.
At Efteling we had a great time, we haven't qued a single line the entire day!
There were basicaly no visitors in the park, the weather was good, all the new rides were absolutely amazing and we had lots of fun!
Now I feel like going again already enxt month, hah!
But I'll have to wait till next year...
Unfortionately my favourite rollercoaster wasn't open that day.
The fairytale and laaf village were as enchanting as tey used to be, I thought they would be less cool because I'm older now, but they were still as magical ^^
We got stuck for 15 minutes in "Vliegende hollander" because of technical problems, I get this all te time. Every time I visit a thema park, something gets stuck.
Oh and I wore my newest lolita skirt, wich I adore <3

After we left the park (not even 3 kilometers) there was a car standing still on the road, we hit the brakes about just in time, but the car behind us was to late, tried to drive around us but hit one of back tires... yay!
I really was in shock at first, luckily th people who drove into us were really nice and did all the paper work properly, the person causing the accident who was standing still on the road drove off when he/she saw us getting hit.
We couldn't drive back home and to wait for somone to pick us up for two hours in a mc donalds, I ate soo much that night..
I have finally placed a supply order with a wholesaler for my new jewelery collection, everything is going to be victorian inspired. I am working with silver and glass jewels for the collection so the price is going to be a litlle more expensive than the usual things that I sell.
I asked people on vampirefreaks and facebook what colors I should use, so I took someof the most popular colors and some of the less popular colors to create a color scheme with varities.
here's the outcome:

These are all the colors i'll be using for the biggest pieces of the collection.
I hope that I'll recieve my supplies soon, so I can start making my new jewelery!