zaterdag 29 oktober 2011

Last week as a free woman

The upcoming week is my last week as a free woman,
I found a job so no more lazy days of doing nothing all day.

Too bad... I kind of liked them!

But ah well, everyone needs a money source and so do I. When I think about it, I'm quite happy that I found a new job even though I will have to work on saturdays.
Atleast now I won't have those days where I don't even have 0.01€ in my wallet, hah!

Yesterday I was thinking of a new jewelery collection for my FB shop "EmikoDesigns" and then I thought I should do a collection that is really fancy for the holidays like christmass and new year. I did some reasearch on the net and decided that I am going to make a collection useing glass jewelery instead of cameo's.
It is going to be all victorian inspired

  • Silver
  • Gem stones
  • Bright colors
  • Sparkle
  • Fancy
Those are the first things I thougt of, and all the things I decided to use in my new collection.
I'm going to order the supplies soon, so there should be jewelery up pretty soon too =)

donderdag 27 oktober 2011

Amusement park frenzy!

The last three months I've been obsessed by amusement parcs!
I always lvoed them since I was a kid, and visited them on a regular basis. (my parents eve bought subsciptions to soma belgian amusement parks when me and my brother we're younger)
But now it's been quite a while since I went to an amusemet park, it's been since January 2010 (Disneyland Paris) , wich is a LOOOONG time for me!

So far I've been to:
Efteling x3 (NL)
Walibi world (NL)
Bellewaerde x10 (B)
Walibi x18 (B)
Plopsaland (B)
Plopsa Coo x3 (B)
Movie park (D)
Disneyland resort Paris x5 (FR)
Walibi France (FR)
Garda Land (IT)

I would love to visit Phantasialand, Disneyland or Efteling again soon!
And since Efteling is just over the border (2 hrs drive), me and my boyfriend descided to go next week, and I am very excited.
I am planning all the stuff to do there as we speak!
The rollercoasters is what I'd want to do most, then comes some of the gentle rides and the fairytale woods, wich by the way are gorgeous.
Their fairytale woods have basically every classic european fairytale and some of other continents, they are great scenery for photoshoot now I think of it, and would like to shoot at that park some day. Though I'm not sure if that is possible.

Oooh amusement parks... you hold all my favourite memories <3
And I am sooo glad I get to make some new memories there next week =)

Any other amusement park freaks out here?

maandag 24 oktober 2011


So, since I made this blog in August I have done three photoshoot.

One with Kinga Szabo (Filth Industries), Guy de Westelinck and Annabelle D'Hont (Hoshii), and I am hoping to do some more shoots soon.

The photoshoot with Kinga Szabo took place in Ghent at the citadel parc ad at the blaarmeersen recreation parc and was kind of the typical goth shoot.

We had fun with it, she was a nice girl to work with and easy to talk too, wich I like! I don't socialize easily, but with her it just went great ^^

Here are some of my favourite pics:

The shoot after that one, was my shoot with Guy de Westelicnk.
Guy is a very friendly man who really knows what he is doing, he had a lot of equipment that I thought I'd never see in real life in one of my shoots, it was amazing. The theme was suicide, so I had to do some crazy stuff; get hung with a harnass, lay upside down on stairs of an old house,.. I also made a fake poison, haha!

It was a nice experience!
Here's my favourite pics:

Last and most recent shoot I did was with Hoshii photography, we went to Ghent (St Baafs cathedral)
I dressed up s my own interpretation of Sorin Markov, a planeswalker from the card game "Magic the gathering", well a toned down female version ofcourse...

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We had a great time, Annabelle is a very nice and young girl who loves to laugh and make a fun experience out of the shoot. Since the shoot took place in a cathedral full of tourists we had some funny situations and led to some amazing photographs!
here are my favourites:

You can see more results of the shoots here: (my modelling page)


Last weekend me and my boyfriend watched the entire 4th season of "True Blood", and I absolutely loved it!
It was exciting, and there were lots of suprising elements!
I can't wait for season 5, though I am not so thrilled that Russel Edgington is going to be back... All the episodes including him look like the True Blood fund has been spend on 1 million liter of fake blood...

In one of the episodes where Terry and Arlene's home mysteriously burns donw, you can see Terry hold his über cute armadillo, I now know what I want for a next pet.
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This cute litlle armadillo mademe want to have my own <3
I've been looking around the internet where I could buy one, no succes so far...

I always wanted a sphynx cat, but my boyfriend is allergic to anything with fur, sphynx cats might not have (vissible) hair, but they aren't hypoallergenic, so now I am silently hoping that armadillo's are!
The ones I like the most are the "dasypus novemcinctus", the same kind as Terry has.

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Aren't they adorable?